8 Slots power bank sib koom chaw nres tsheb nrog acrylic static advertisement
Tus Qauv Muag Khoom:Cov qauv muag zoo tshaj plaws yuav luag 500 txhiab txij li xyoo 2018.
Dust and Splash Water Protect:Cov plua plav npog tsim tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov plua plav thiab dej txaws los ntawm qhov nkag.
Uniform SuspensionTMCov slots:Lub Relink tshwj xeeb Uniform SuspensionTMslot technology yog engineered los pop up lub hwj chim bank smoothly ntawm uniform ceev, zoo dua cov neeg siv kev.
Ntau yam kev ruaj ntseg tiv thaiv:Kev tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb muaj xws li kev tiv thaiv luv luv, tiv thaiv ESD, kev txwv tam sim no rau txhua qhov, lub txhab nyiaj hluav taws xob tiv thaiv tub sab nyiag, thiab lwm yam.
Super Tiny Design Ultra-tsawg zog noj, Tawm tsam phab ntsa hauv ib lub ces kaum me me, txuag chaw
Kev kho yooj yim:Lub modular tsim raws li kev ywj pheej slot architecture rau kev yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm.
8 Slots power bank sib koom chaw nres tsheb nrog 7 nti LCD Screen
Tus Qauv Muag Khoom:Cov qauv muag zoo tshaj plaws yuav luag 500 txhiab txij li xyoo 2018.
Dust and Splash Water Protect:Cov plua plav npog tsim tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov plua plav thiab dej txaws los ntawm qhov nkag.
7 nti zaub:Khoom 7inch LED Zaub nrog tsim-hauv tej thaj chaw deb tshaj tawm tshaj tawm qhov system.
Uniform SuspensionTMCov slots:Lub Relink tshwj xeeb Uniform SuspensionTMslot technology yog engineered los pop up lub hwj chim bank smoothly ntawm uniform ceev, zoo dua cov neeg siv kev.
Ntau yam kev ruaj ntseg tiv thaiv:Kev tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb muaj xws li kev tiv thaiv luv luv, tiv thaiv ESD, kev txwv tam sim no rau txhua qhov, lub txhab nyiaj hluav taws xob tiv thaiv tub sab nyiag, thiab lwm yam.
Super Tiny Loj:tiv thaiv phab ntsa hauv ib lub kaum me me, txuag chaw.
Kev kho yooj yim:Lub modular tsim raws li kev ywj pheej slot architecture rau kev yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm.
4 Slots power bank sib koom chaw nres tsheb.
Super Me me: Lub modular tsim raws li ib qho kev ywj pheej slot architecture kom yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm.
Ntau yam kev ruaj ntseg tiv thaiv:Kev tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb muaj xws li kev tiv thaiv luv luv, tiv thaiv ESD, kev txwv tam sim no rau txhua qhov, lub txhab nyiaj hluav taws xob tiv thaiv tub sab nyiag, thiab lwm yam.
Nqi-zoo:Kev tsim qauv yooj yim heev, siv tau thiab ruaj khov, haum rau kev nqis peev hauv kev lag luam me
New Generation 6 Slots power bank sharing station.
Plua plav thiab txaws dej tiv thaiv: Cov plua plav npog tsim tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov plua plav thiab dej txaws los ntawm qhov nkag.
Ntau yam kev ruaj ntseg tiv thaiv:Kev tiv thaiv kev nyab xeeb muaj xws li kev tiv thaiv luv luv, tiv thaiv ESD, kev txwv tam sim no rau txhua qhov, lub txhab nyiaj hluav taws xob tiv thaiv tub sab nyiag, thiab lwm yam.
Premium Production:Txhua qhov chaw nres tsheb thiab qhov chaw yog tsim los ntawm cov chaw ua haujlwm EMS kev tshaj lij: Foxconn, Tefa Dongzhi.Lawv cov kev tswj xyuas zoo zoo tshaj plaws lav cov khoom zoo.
Kev tu yooj yim:Lub modular tsim raws li kev ywj pheej slot architecture rau kev yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm.
Nthuav nthuav dav:koj tuaj yeem nthuav dav mus rau 12 qhov los ntawm kev ntxiv lub thawv qhev
2022 New Generation 6 Slots power bank sharing station.
Dust and Splash Water Protect:Cov plua plav npog tsim tuaj yeem tiv thaiv cov plua plav thiab dej txaws los ntawm qhov nkag.
Khoom 8-nti zaub:8-nti LED zaub nrog built-in tej thaj chaw deb adversting publish system.
Kev sib txuas 4G + WiFi:Zoo heev 4G + WiFi network kev ua tau zoo nrog tsim-hauv Qualcomm Chipset.
Premium Production:Txhua qhov chaw nres tsheb thiab qhov chaw yog tsim los ntawm cov chaw ua haujlwm EMS kev tshaj lij: Foxconn, Tefa Dongzhi.Lawv cov kev tswj xyuas zoo zoo tshaj plaws lav cov khoom zoo.
Kev kho yooj yim:Lub modular tsim raws li kev ywj pheej slot architecture rau kev yooj yim installation thiab txij nkawm.
Nthuav nthuav dav:koj tuaj yeem nthuav dav mus rau 12 qhov los ntawm kev ntxiv lub thawv qhev